ผศ. ดร. ดนุพล นันทจิต
Asst. Prof. Dr. Danupon Nantajit
Email: [email protected]
2010 | Ph.D. | Radiation Biology | Purdue University | USA |
2006 | B.A. | Biological Sciences | University of Chicago | USA |
- Special Educational Course on Nuclear Engineering by Japanese University Network, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
- International Medical Management of Radiation Injuries by USDOE, 2012, Chonburi, Thailand
- Train-the-Trainer Workshop on the Physical Protection and Security Management of Radioactive Sources at Security Level A Medical Facilities by ANSTO, 2012, Sydney, Australia
- First School for Drafting Radiation Safety Regulations by IAEA, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Royal Thai Government Scholarship, 2001-2010
- Accommodation Award, The Department of Energy Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop VIII, 2009
- Travel Award, Radiation Research Society 56th Annual Meeting, 2010
- Thailand Research Fund, New Research Grant awarded for 2015-2017
- Post-doctoral Research Scholarship, Chulabhorn Royal Academy, 2020-2022
- Radiation Research Society
- Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Thai Society of Nuclear Medicine
- Suwanbut P, Liamsuwan T, Nantajit D, Masa-nga W, Tannanonta C. Assessment of fetal dose and health effect to the fetus from breast cancer radiotherapy during pregnancy. Life. 2022; 12(1): 84.
- Suwanbut P, Liamsuwan T, Nantajit D, Masa-nga W, Tannanonta C. Validation of the 6 MV TrueBeam linear accelerator model for out-of-field radiation dose calculation using PHITS Monte Carlo code. J Assoc Med Sci. 2021; 54(3): 32-42.
- Wongvisavavit R, Nantajit D, Phodha T. Cost-effectiveness analysis of non-mydriatic ultrawide-field fundus photography versus pharmacological pupil dilatation in diabetic retinopathy screening program. J Med Assoc Thai. 2021 May; 104(5): 818-24.
- Nantajit D, Chailapakul P, Bawornpatarapakorn S, Chamchod S, Laebua K. Prognostic significance of uPA and uPAR expression in patients with cervical cancer undergoing radiotherapy. Oncol Lett. 2021 Mar; 21: 423.
- Thanthong S, Nanthong R, Kongwattanakul S, Laebua K, Trirussapanich P, Pitiporn S, Nantajit D. Prophylaxis of radiation-induced dermatitis in patients with breast cancer using herbal creams: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Integr Cancer Ther. 2020 Jan-Dec; 19:1534735420920714.
- Trirussapanich P, Pattaranutraporn P, Chotchutipan T, Nantajit D, Sricharoen R, Rojwatkarnjana S, Laebua K, Chamchod S. Treatment outcome of stereotactic body radiotherapy for patients with lung tumors: a retrospective study at Chulabhorn Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2018 Jun; 101(Suppl. 6): S1-6.
- Sirichai R, Ngamching B, Khamfongkhruea C, Rojwatkarnjana S, Nantajit D, Tannanonta C. Comparison of targeting accuracy for treatment localization with different CT images of moving target in thorax region. J Med Assoc Thai. 2018 Jun; 101(Suppl. 6): S119-24.
- Rojwatkarnjana S, Pattaranutraporn P, Chotchutipan T, Nanthong R, Nantajit D, Trirussapanich P, Laebua K, Chamchod S. Deep regional hyperthermia treatment using Thermotron-RF8: an initial experience at Chulabhorn Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2018 Jun; 101(Suppl. 6): S143-9.
- Chotchutipan T, Nantajit D, Trirussapanich P, Rojwatkarnjana S, Pattaranutraporn P, Laebua K, Chamchod S. Clinical outcomes of stereotactic body radiation therapy in patients with liver tumor: a single institution study. J Med Assoc Thai. 2018 Jun; 101(Suppl. 6): S165-70.
- Thanthong S, Rojthamarat S, Worasawate W, Vichitvejpaisal P, Nantajit D, Ieumwananontachai N. Comparison of meperidine and fentanyl efficiency in terms of pain management and quality of life in patients with cervical cancer receiving intracavitary brachytherapy: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Support Care Cancer. 2017 Aug; 25(8): 2531-37.
- Nantajit D, Jetawattana S, Suriyo T, Grdina DJ, Satayavivad J. Andrographis paniculata diterpenoids protect against radiation-induced transformation in BALB/3T3 cells. Radiat Res. 2017 Jul; 188: 66-74.
- Jetawattana S, Sitthithaworn W, Nantajit D. Generation of free radical intermediates from traditional medicine herbal extracts. J Appl Pharm Sci. 2017 Mar; 7(03): 1-5.
- Nantajit D, Trirussapanich P, Rojwatkarnjana S, Soonklang K, Pattaranutraporn P, Laebua K, Chamchod S. Clinical analysis of cholangiocarcinoma patients receiving adjuvant radiotherapy. Mol Clin Oncol. 2016; 5: 797-802.
- Nantajit D, Lin D, Li JJ. The network of epithelial–mesenchymal transition: potential new targets for tumor resistance. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015 Oct; 141: 1697-713.
- Nantajit D, Saengsuda S, NaNakorn P, Saendsuda Y. High dose radioiodine outpatient treatment: an initial experience in Thailand. Asia Oceania J Nucl Med Biol. 2015; 3(1): 66-71.
- Wang Z, Fan M, Candas D, Zhang T, Qin L, Eldridge A, Wachsmann-Hogiu S, Ahmed KM, Chromy BA, Nantajit D, Duru N, He F, Chen M, Finkel T, Weinstein LS, Li JJ. Cyclin B1/Cdk1 Coordinates Mitochondrial Respiration for Cell-Cycle G2/M Progression. Dev Cell. 2014 Apr 28; 29(2): 217-32.
- Candas D, Fan M, Nantajit D, Vaughan AT, Murley JS, Woloschak GE, Grdina DJ, Li JJ. CyclinB1/Cdk1 phosphorylates mitochondrial antioxidant MnSOD in cell adaptive response to radiation stress. J Mol Cell Biol. 2013 Jun; 5(3): 166-75.
- Duru N, Fan M, Candas D, Menaa C, Liu HC, Nantajit D, Wen Y, Xiao K, Eldridge A, Chromy BA, Li S, Spitz DR, Lam KS, Wicha MS, Li JJ. HER2-associated radiation resistance of breast cancer stem cells isolated from HER2-negative breast cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Dec; 18: 6634-
- Nantajit D, Fan M, Duru N, Wen Y, Reed JC, Li JJ. Cyclin B1/Cdk1 phosphorylation of mitochondrial p53 induce anti-apoptotic response. PLOS ONE. 2010 Aug; 5(8): e12341.
- Ahmed KM, Nantajit D, Fan M, Murley JS, Grdina DJ, Li JJ. Co-activation of ATM/ERK/NF-κB in low dose radiation-induced radioadaptive response in human skin keratinocytes. Free Radic Biol Med. 2009 Mar; 46: 1543-50.
- Ahmed KM, Fan M, Nantajit D, Cao N, Li JJ. Cyclin D1 in low-dose radiation-induced adaptive resistance. Oncogene. 2008 Aug; 27: 6738–48.
- Wang Z, Cao N, Nantajit D, Fan M, Liu Y, Li JJ. Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 represses c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-mediated apoptosis via NF-kappaB regulation. J Biol Chem. 2008 Jul; 283(30): 21011-23.
- Murley JS, Nantajit D, Baker KL, Kataoka Y, Li JJ, Grdina DJ. Maintenance of manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2)-mediated delayed radioprotection induced by repeated administration of the free thiol form of amifostine. Radiat Res. 2008 May; 169(5): 495-505.
- Liu R, Ahmed KM, Nantajit D, Rosenthal FS, Hai CX, Li JJ. Therapeutic effects of alpha-lipoic acid on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Int J Mol Med. 2007 Jun; 19(6): 865-73.
- 2007: Adaptive responses of long-term radiation on tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human prostate cell lines. Nantajit D, Ahmed KM, Fan M, Wang Z, Li JJ. International Congress of Radiation Research
- 2008: Radiation-induced mitochondria-associated adaptive responses in tumorigenic human prostate cell lines. Nantajit D, Ahmed KM, Fan M, Cao N, Murley JS, Grdina DJ, Li JJ. American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
- 2009: Cyclin D1 in low-dose radiation-induced adaptive resistance, Nantajit D, Ahmed KM, Fan M, Li JJ. The Department of Energy Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop VIII
- 2010: NF-κB-mediated prosurvival network in low dose radiation-induced radioadaptive response in human skin keratinocytes, Nantajit D, Jin C, Candas D, Duru N, Liu R, Wang Z, Fan M, Li JJ. The Department of Energy Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop IX
- 2010: Phosphorylation of Mitochondrial p53 by cyclin B1 inhibits mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, Nantajit D, Fan M, Wang Z, Liu R, Jin C, Li JJ. Radiation Research Society 56th Annual Meeting
- 2015: Generation of free radical intermediates from herbal plant extracts – an anti-cancer prospective of traditional medicines. Jetawattana S, Nantajit D. Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research-Asia
- 2016: Inhibition of Radiation-induced Cellular Transformation by Andrographis Paniculata Diterpenoid. Nantajit D, Jetawattana S, Suriyo T, Satayavivad J. The 8th Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress
Peer-Review Journal Referee
- Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy
- Cell Death & Disease
- Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine
- International Journal of Oncology
- Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
- Molecular Medicine Reports
- Molecular and Clinical Oncology
- Oncology Letters
- Oncology Reports
- PLOS One
Research interest
ชีววิทยารังสีและชีววิทยามะเร็ง ด้านการปรับตัวและดื้อจากการรักษาของมะเร็ง และการพัฒนาสารป้องกันอันตรายจากรังสี